Campaign Materials that Work

If you’re running for office, you need political campaign print materials that work.  Your campaign material is vital to educate voters about who you are, what issues you support and how you will represent your constituents. Marketers know that it takes at least seven different touches of a message to generate a lead. The same concept applies to promoting a candidate or issue.

Print materials are central to any successful campaign. Why print? It’s tangible, credible and establishes an emotional connection with the reader. Unlike digital media, voters interact with print materials differently. Print has higher engagement rates and better recall than its digital counterparts.

When it comes to your campaign materials, quality counts more than ever to make a good impression.  With extensive experience working with candidates from all parties for all types of office, Lawton is your winning solution. Whatever you need from yard signs and banners to postcard mailers and walk pieces, we’ve got you covered.

Our expert mailing staff knows the ins and outs of direct mail, assuring your piece will drop on time to your targeted voters. Our exceptional in-house creative and graphic design team will create pieces that help you stand out from your opponent. And as a union company, you are welcome to use Lawton’s union bug.

If you are running for office, Lawton is here to help. Connect with us today!
